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GET CREATIVE – use GIFs in your Newsletters

By Gabrielle Layout, Mail Designer Pro, Tips, Tutorials
Those „oldschool“ animated GIFs have recently had a real come-back in the social media realm. There’s nothing better for getting their attention!  Your recipients will be amazed to see such “moving” newsletters from you.

Clock GIF for Halloween sale by Radley

Animated GIFs are super easy to add to your Mail Designs. You can find a whole set of animated GIFs in your Mail Designer Pro Graphics-Palette, ready to bring your newsletters to life. You want to create your own GIF animations for Mail Designer? Here’s how!

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Easily create your own curated newsletters – discover the new link formatting features

By Images, Mail Designer Pro, Mail Designer Pro, Tutorials

Mail Designer Pro offers an improved link formatting tool which makes it easier to create links formatted just the way you want them.

Stay up-to-date, grow your newsletter list

Start your own curated link lists, which is the latest newsletter trend. Turn your favorite industry news and links you might post on social media into a so-called “curated newsletter.” This is the latest and hugely popular newsletter craze.

Stylish, curated newsletters with themed link collections are already a huge hit in. Bloggers, entrepreneurs, and resourceful start-ups quickly recognized the potential of link formatting. Everyone is taking advantage of this craze by keeping their followers up-to-date with weekly. Some are even going about and beyond by sending daily newsletters.

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Increase opening rates: Discover the Inbox Optimizing Tool

By Sales Tips, Tutorials


You've got mail! It only takes a few seconds for the recipient to decide whether or not to open your email. We want to share how you can improve your opening rate.

It’s advisable to avoid email faux pas such as, “If you are unable to read this email, please click here” – totally lame!

The Inbox Optimizing Tool

This tool transforms you into a true communications professional with the ability to tune your opening rate easily.

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Font-Mania – Install stylish web-Fonts and use as Headlines

By Layout, Tutorials

How much do you think about your web fonts for email design and its overall result?

Are you a big fan of the modest Helvetica font? Or do you prefer a cooler look with Droid Sans?

Regardless of your current preference, Mail Designer Pro makes it possible to realize your own personal style and creativity by offering more than 500 web fonts for your newsletters. Give them a try! You may just end up with a new favourite.

Gimme 500 – Install fonts

Before you use the additional web fonts, you’ll need to install them. To do this, choose a text area in your newsletter layout.

• Select the font type in the text bubble
• Then choose the web font
• Now click on “Download Fonts”

Depending on how good your internet connection is, it could take a while before all the fonts download. However, once downloaded, you now have access to all these delightful fonts for email design.

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Export von Mail Designer Newsletter-Projekten zu MailChimp

By Allgemein

Deine Newsletter-Abonnenten-Liste geht durch die Decke? Sobald du an größere Zielgruppen versenden möchtest, empfiehlt es sich, dein Projekt an einen E-Mail-Versendedienst wie etwa Mail Chimp zu übergeben. So kannst du Empfänger-Zielgruppen bestens verwalten und den Erfolg deiner Newsletter-Kampagne überprüfen. Eine Newsletter-Vorlage kannst du dank einer Schnittstelle direkt aus Mail Designer Pro zu Mail Chimp hochladen.

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Mail Designer 2: Linking to Facebook, Twitter and more…

By Layout, Mail Designer 2, Tips, Tutorials

Mail Designer 2 & Social Media! Read the details below.

Why social media?

Social Media continues to play a huge part in our lives. Today, all of these social media platforms are not only being used for social purposes but also for business reasons. In fact, more and more businesses are becoming active within different social media platforms. With Mail Designer 2, you can link back to your social media accounts hassle-free!

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