Mail Designer Pro makes sharing content curation via email easier. We want to share some tips on how you can improve your link formatting to give a cleaner, more professional look to your email designs.
With Mail Designer Pro 2.3, you can create your own curated newsletters.
Content Curation
Mashable and Pinterest showed us how to share content curation. Many other curated content platforms, such as Webdesigner News or Designer News, followed suit. Arguably, the idea behind content curation is to find, filter, and share interesting content. Today, this is conveniently possible to do by email.
Mail Designer Pro 2.3
Our developers went to the drawing tables and did their magic. We our proud to share the new Mail Designer Pro 2.3 with greatly improved link formatting options. By and large, this update makes it easier for you to share your curated content by email.
Email Communication
We know how important it is to communicate online with your customers. Today, even the biggest names in business rely on emails. In fact, email marketing proves to be around 40 times more effective than Facebook! It’s no wonder that widely-reached curated websites happily send informative emails or newsletters to their users.
Emails are fast. They keep users/customers in the loop. Also, emails are a great way to share up-to-date, exciting content. Have you checked your inbox today? What will you share to your customers?
Give it a try: Test drive Mail Designer Pro for free.
To get the latest version of Mail Designer Pro, click here.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact us by clicking here.
Until next time,
Your Mail Designer Pro team