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Mail Designer 365 Version 1.7 Update Guide

By 2. April 2019July 10th, 2019Mail Designer 365 Blog

Hey Mail Designers! We've got another mini update for you. In particular, this update focuses on our Mailchimp users, as we have some important news regarding Mailchimp integration in the app.

However, as always, we've also included a few minor changes and improvements to ensure the best performance at all times. Here's what's new in version 1.7...

Mailchimp integration

Following the news that Mailchimp would be switching off their old APIs this month, Mail Designer 365 versions 1.7 and onwards will be using Mailchimp API 3.0. If you are using an older version of Mail Designer 365 and want to continue exporting to Mailchimp via the app, you will need to upgrade to version 1.7 to avoid receiving an error message.

Important: Update to version 1.7 to carry on using the Mailchimp export feature.


Lists are an important design feature for many of you. For this reason, we've carried out some changes to the lists feature in order to improve compatibility:

  • You can now select “No bullets” as a style option for lists
  • List indent controls now work more reliably
  • Issues with lists in Gmail have been fixed

App performance

We want Mail Designer 365 to be the best it possibly can be for you. In this version we have improved and streamlined the following features to optimise app performance...

  • Up to 2x improvement when opening designs
  • You should now notice improved performance when editing backgrounds
  • Certain animations have been improved

We’re not done yet and have more performance improvements in the pipeline for you, stay tuned!

Further improvements

We have also carried out the following improvements and fixes for you...

  • Issues with modifying tables have been resolved
  • Incorrect mobile size estimates for some image areas have been fixed

You can find a full list of all the latest changes and new features on our release notes page.

Until next time!
Your Mail Designer 365 Team

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