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Mail Designer Pro version 2.2 — optimize your design ideas for the newest wearables and Apple Watch

By 21. May 2015April 10th, 2017Layout, Tutorials, What's new in Mail Designer Pro

Are your newsletters really ready for the Apple Watch?

With the Mail Designer Pro 2.2 update, you can optimize your email design ideas for the newest wearables. Sit back and watch on how you can improve your email design in wearable technology!

Here we go…discover the new features!

Wearable technology is here to stay!

They are here to make your life easier, and we are here to make your email design easier.

The following five new features give you even more control of your text workflows, design creations and inspiration. You will be able to see the visual displays of your email or newsletter on the Apple Watch or iPhone before you send it out.

If you like Mail Designer Pro, we’d appreciate a short review on the Mac App Store.

To get the latest version of Mail Designer Pro, click here.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us by clicking here.

Until next time,

Your Mail Designer Pro team

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