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June is just around the corner, which means it's time to start considering your LGBTQ Pride Month email campaigns!

The Pride movement is one of great significance in the US as well as all over the world. In this guide, we will take you through the basics of LGBTQ+ Pride Month, including great examples of email templates for LGBTQ Pride and creative campaign ideas.

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What is LGBTQ Pride and why do we celebrate it?

LGBTQ+ Pride Month is an annual event taking place every year throughout the month of June. Like all international Pride events, this month celebrates the LGBTQ+ community and aims to promote equality and raise awareness of challenges faced by LGBTQ individuals across the world.

Why is LGBTQ Pride Month in June?

In the USA, Pride Month is celebrated in June. This is to commemorate the Stonewall Riots of June 1969 - a prominent turning point in LGBTQ history which paved the way for the gay rights movement across the world.

Although LGBTQ+ Pride Month is celebrated in June in the US, many other countries also have their own dedicated Pride events throughout the year.

What should my business do for LGBTQ Pride Month?

As a business, showing your support for the Pride celebrations in your country is a great way to demonstrate inclusivity and a positive working environment for both staff and customers.

Alongside social media, email is also a great channel to use to support LGBTQ Pride. Many businesses spend time creating meaningful email campaigns to either promote a Pride event, spotlight important charities or show solidarity with their LGBTQ+ community.

Email Template Inspiration for LGBTQ Pride Month

LGBTQ Pride is most famously associated with the rainbow motif. The colors of the rainbow are representative of the diversity within the LGBTQ+ community and the symbol is frequently included in Pride Month email templates and other campaign materials.

LGBTQ+ rainbow flag

Other important elements of an effective Pride campaign may include:

  • Words of support for LGBTQ+ staff and customers
  • Promotion of LGBTQ+ charities
  • Special events like parades and festivals
  • Dedicated product launches
  • Information and awareness about issues in your local community

Here are some bold and colorful examples of Pride Month email templates which you can use as inspiration for your own campaigns.


LGBTQ pride email by Spotify

Spotify take the rainbow theme seriously in this color-overload email design that perfectly captures the vibrant nature of the occasion.

Uber Eats

pride email design by uber eats

This campaign by Uber Eats is more serious and highlights what the company are doing to promote equal rights for all their employees and customers as well as what they wish to improve on.


LGBTQ pride event email by YouTube

Events play a large part in Pride Month celebrations and in recent years, these have been both virtual and in person. YouTube's example of an exciting Pride event invitation is a lot of fun and helps get the recipient in the mood for a celebration.


pride email campaign by tripadvisor

In this email campaign, travel giants Tripadvisor use their platform to promote upcoming LGBTQ Pride events around the world. They also take the time to include some of the history of the Pride movement.

New Look

LGBTQ pride email campaign by new look

LGBTQ pride email campaign by new look

In this special Pride campaign, New Look shared the stories of LGBTQ individuals within their organisation to promote inclusivity.

Dr Martens

The Dr Martens team also incorporate the rainbow theme in this charity-focused email campaign, shining the spotlight on LGBTQ+ charities.


Goodreads used their platform to highlight books that are particularly relevant for the LGBTQ+ community and therefore perfect for Pride Month.


LGBTQ pride email campaign by reebok

In recent years, many retailers have chosen to launch a themed Pride collection for LGBTQ+ Pride Month - often with the proceeds going to charity. Reebok have taken a similar stance in this rainbow themed campaign.


pride email by canva

Web designers Canva curated a Pride themed collection of templates which they showcased in this colorful email.

Creating LGBTQ+ Pride Month email templates in Mail Designer 365

We hope you're inspired and ready to start working on your email campaigns for LGBTQ Pride Month.

In need of some more inspiration? Mail Designer 365 offers a diverse collection of Pride themed email templates - perfect for a bold event invitation or a meaningful show of solidarity to the LGBTQ+ community.

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