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Working with text and links

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How will the device version affect my text and links?

Working with text and links is the same in the desktop and mobile editing mode. If a layout block in the mobile version is not detached from the desktop version, then all changes you make will apply to both. If you make changes in the desktop version, it will also apply to the mobile version and vice versa. However, making independent changes is easy! Just detach the two versions and then edit your text and links.



A Quick Tour of Mail Designer 365


Layout Blocks


Editing Text

Links and Buttons

Configuring Text Styles


Image Areas


Using Retina Images with your Design

Graphics and Other Objects

Creative Tools

Advanced Design Techniques

Blend Modes

Optimizing your Template for Mobile

Plain Text

Preview your Design

Preparing your Design for Sending

Email Delivery

HTML Export

Other Sharing Options

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