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Adding Patterns and Textures

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Using Patterns and Textures in Your Designs

Mail Designer 365's collection of patterns and textures make a great addition to your email newsletters. Here's how to use them in your design...

Adding a patterned background to a layout block

Patterns can be applied to the background of an individual layout block (e.g. your headline) to make it more prominent in your design...

Head to the "Contents" menu, then to the "Images" tab. Here you will find "Textures":

Scroll through the list of patterns and textures. Once you have found the pattern you want to use, drag it into the layout block background:

This will apply the pattern to just this area of your design.

Adding a pattern to your newsletter background

A patterned design background is a great alternative if you want to give your background an extra edge, but don't want to use a photo background...

Scroll through the list of patterns and textures. Once you have found the pattern you want to use, drag it into the design background:

This will apply the pattern to the entire background of your design.

A Quick Tour of Mail Designer 365

Advanced Design Techniques


Blend Modes


Configuring Text Styles

Creative Tools

Editing Text

Graphics and Other Objects

HTML Export

Image Areas


Layout Blocks

Links and Buttons

Optimizing your Template for Mobile

Other Sharing Options

Plain Text

Preparing your Design for Sending

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Using Retina Images with your Design

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