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Adding your own logos and signatures

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Business logos and signatures

Do you have a stock of your business logos in your files? Or do you have a scan of your signature that you would like to frequently use in your emails designs? No problem. Mail Designer 365 makes adding your business logos and signatures a breeze.

You can add these to the “Photos” tab of the Contents section, so you’ll be able to get to them faster.

Go to the Photos section and right-click underneath the predefined folders that are listed. Then choose a folder with your images that you would like to add.

There you go! Now you can easily access your logos and other company images directly within the Contents section.



A Quick Tour of Mail Designer 365


Layout Blocks


Editing Text

Links and Buttons

Configuring Text Styles


Image Areas


Using Retina Images with your Design

Graphics and Other Objects

Creative Tools

Advanced Design Techniques

Blend Modes

Optimizing your Template for Mobile

Plain Text

Preview your Design

Preparing your Design for Sending

Email Delivery

HTML Export

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