Frequently Asked Questions
To return to the old procedure (Home-Button = Home-Screen), proceed as follows:
Homescreen> Settings> Remote controls and devices> Home button
There you can assign the Home button again with the old function.
Recently, root certificates for "Let's Encrypt" expired. Apple has decided not to update root certificates for OS X versions older than macOS 10.12. This means that when apps or Safari on your Mac access websites using Let's Encrypt root certificates, they will not load correctly.
This can also cause problems when logging in to the app.
How to fix this issue
- Open Safari, go to and download the fix
- Open the profile in System Preferences and choose "Install"
- Re-launch the app and sign in again
Edit equinux ID
Cancel, pause or change subscriptions on Google Play
If you want to view and manage your subscriptions on the Apple AppStore, proceed as follows:
View or cancel subscriptions