Frequently Asked Questions
On your hard drive they are stored here.
‣ In the Finder, choose "Go to"> "Go to Folder ..."
‣ Then type: ~/Library/Containers/de.livetv.mediathek-macos/Data/Documents/downloads/
In the next update, you can set the storage location 👍
You can expand TV Pro Mediathek with "My Mediathek" subscription packages to access the complete Mediathek library. We offer various Mediathek packages and running times.
You want another package or another runtime? No problem - this is all in the: App Store Settings
To cancel:
All these products are handled through your AppStore account. There, you can find all running subscriptions under 'Subscriptions' and you can deactivate the automatic extension: Access it here
Further information on renewal
The processing takes place directly via your iTunes account and extends 24h before expiration automatically by the chosen runtime. You can switch the automatic extension up to 24h before an extension at any time in the AppStore in your account settings, ie. An unsubscription becomes effective at the end of the term.
Recently, root certificates for "Let's Encrypt" expired. Apple has decided not to update root certificates for OS X versions older than macOS 10.12. This means that when apps or Safari on your Mac access websites using Let's Encrypt root certificates, they will not load correctly.
This can also cause problems when logging in to the app.
How to fix this issue
- Open Safari, go to and download the fix
- Open the profile in System Preferences and choose "Install"
- Re-launch the app and sign in again
Here's how you do it:
‣ Go to the AppStore settings: ‣ Choose your current TV Pro Media Kit ‣ Select the upgrade to TV Pro GOLD ALL-IN-1 ‣ In TV Pro Mediathek, select a TV Pro ID ‣ Then, choose "Restore Purchases" ‣ Log in to your other devices with the same TV Pro ID (for Mac, iPhone / iPad and Apple TV)Important is that you log in once where you bought the platform subscription - so if you currently have a package for iPhone / iPad, do the upgrade and then sign up on the iPhone with your TV Pro ID.
Note: Apple is in charge of the remaining term of the existing package, the credit will be paid separately about one day after purchase - it will not be charged immediately with the new package price).
This link will directly take you to your profile administration:
You will find all running subscriptions under "Subscriptions." You can also disable the automatic extension of your subscriptions.
- 3Sat
- Das Erste (ARD)
- Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR)
- Deutsche Welle (DW)
- Hessischer Rundfunk (HR)
- Kinderkanal (KiKA)
- Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR)
- Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR)
- ORF 1
- ORF 2
- ORF 3
- Phoenix
- Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB)
- Saarländischer Rundfunk (SR)
- Südwestrundfunk (SWR)
- Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen 1 (SRF 1)
- Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen 2 (SRF 2)
- Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR)
- Zweite Deutsche Fernsehen (ZDF)
- ZDFinfo
- ZDFneo
However, we installed a detection in the app: The yellow exclamation mark will show up instead of the play button, indicating that the program cannot be retrieved.
1. The film format is not compatible on the end device. The film may be suitable for the Apple TV but not on iPhone / iPad or vice versa.
2. You are abroad. In Germany. the film would be available. Abroad, the film may be blocked. In this case, a VPN service can help such as WorldConnect from VPN Tracker (can be tested for free):
3. Mediatheken cleans up the content daily. We check once a day whether the broadcasts are available and automatically clean up broadcasts that are no longer available. If the transmitter is switched off during the day, the exclamation mark can appear. On the following day, the shows are no longer in the catalog.
Cancel, pause or change subscriptions on Google Play
If you want to view and manage your subscriptions on the Apple AppStore, proceed as follows:
View or cancel subscriptions