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Mail Designer 365 and MailWizz

Create custom HTML email templates for the MailWizz marketing automation platform.

mail designer 365 and mailwizz

Mail Designer 365 is the best HTML email editor for MailWizz. Create a stunning HTML email design with the easy-to-use drag & drop editor and export to MailWizz in just a few clicks. Use your Mail Designer 365 template for transactional emails, automated email campaigns, sales, promotions, and more.


Create HTML emails for MailWizz

  1. Build your HTML email design in Mail Designer 365 and select "Share” > “Website / HTML…
  2. Enter the image URL prefix for the online server where you will be hosting your images. You will need this later on so that your images can be located and displayed accurately in your design. (Learn more about this step here.)
  3. Following export, select the images in the folder and upload them to the server from the previous step.
  4. Sign in to your MailWizz dashboard, go to "Email Templates" in the sidebar and click "Upload Template":upload your custom html template to use with mailwizz
  5. Locate the folder you exported from Mail Designer 365, then right click and select "Compress" to create a .zip file to upload to MailWizz - make sure the contents of the folder represent the structure required by MailWizz (shown in screenshot):
  6. You can now use your Mail Designer 365 HTML design with the automation tools provided in the MailWizz platform.

Important: Please refrain from making any adjustments to your Mail Designer 365 email template within the MailWizz editor. Any changes should be carried out within the Mail Designer 365 app and designs can then be reexported to MailWizz once finished.


Our team is always on hand ready to give you support. If you have specific questions regarding HTML export to MailWizz, or just need some extra help getting set up, get in touch!

Mail Designer 365 works seamlessly with all leading email marketing services. If you’re looking for a different service, check out our full range of integrations and compatible platforms.

See all export guides

Get started with Mail Designer 365 today

Start your 7 day free trial and use your Mac to create stylish email newsletters for your business.
No credit card required
Compatible from Mac OS X 10.11 onwards
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