Colors are important design elements that stimulate different emotions. Over the past decade, adding colors to designs has transformed. Whether you want to use soft, pastel colors or bright, loud colors - implementing smooth color transitions has become essential in creating beautiful effects. Gradients help add eye-catching visuals without being an eyesore. Creating transitions from one color to the next can give depth and contrast to the overall layout design of your email newsletter templates.
Beginner's Guide to Email Marketing
Step 5
Sign Up for an Email Service Provider
Beginner's Guide to Email Marketing
Step 4
Quick Guide to Email Service Providers
Why can't I use my regular email service provider?
You are probably familiar with inbox providers, which are email platforms like Gmail or Yahoo Mail. Inbox providers are amazing options for sending one-on-one social emails. But if you are a business, you are sending emails to hundreds and even thousands of people, which is also known as "bulk emailing" or "mass emailing."
When you hear "bulk emailing" or "mass emailing," what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Most likely, it's spam. Spam is frequently sent in bulk, either by a bot or an anonymous sender. More often than not, spam contains hostile malware.
At one point or another, we've all received spam in our inbox or junk mail folder. With time, we have learned to treat spam with caution, and we're not the only ones. You may be a legitimate business, and you pride yourself with great quality email newsletters. But regardless of whom the emails are from, mass emails can still give red flags to both inbox providers and internet service providers (ISPs).
Beginner's Guide to Email Marketing
Step 1
Set Up Your Goals
If you are new to email marketing, we suggest starting out by organizing your thoughts and plans by first clearly defining what your goals are. Email marketing may be a new tool for you that lets you communicate with your audience. Therefore, it is really important to figure out what your goals are and what you want to achieve through your email newsletters.
Understanding the goal that you want to achieve will help pave the way to how you style your newsletter designs as well as to what type of content to include in your emails. It will also determine what type of metrics you will be using to measure whether or not you met your goals.
Age-Old Dilemma
When it comes to creating newsletters or emails, you often encounter an age-old dilemma. How can you grab and retain your customer’s attention without losing the complete message you want to share? You are not alone.
Unfortunately, there seems to be a fine line between writing too little and writing too much. Write too little and your consumers do not get enough information. Write too much and you lose your customer’s attention. Or worse - cause them to disregard the email or newsletter completely. So how do you find a good balance?
We want to help you shape up your email designs!
Shapes can be helpful in grabbing attention within your email or newsletter campaign. You can also use shapes as buttons.
To help you get started quickly, we’ve included several helpful buttons and shapes as vector graphics.