Mail Designer 365 supports the use of placeholders to automatically insert personalized information into your template.
What are placeholders?
Placeholders are special text areas in your email that are automatically replaced with personalized information from your contacts when sending. For example, you can insert the recipient’s name or other individual data without manually adjusting each email. This ensures a more personal approach and saves time when creating your email campaigns.
Inserting placeholders for Mail Designer sending
‣ Select a text area in your design
‣ Go to "Insert" in the top menu and choose Mail Designer 365 Campaigns
‣ Choose the placeholder you would like to add:
A placeholder will be inserted into your text, which will be replaced with information from your Mail Designer contacts after uploading.
Managing contacts
With the placeholder feature, you can insert information from your contact list stored in Mail Designer. Learn more about contact management in Mail Designer 365 in the following articles:
- Creating signup forms
- Adding Email Contacts
- Importing contacts from Apple Contacts to Mail Designer Campaigns