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November 2015

Must-know facts for iPhone 6s email design. Create perfect responsive Designs for Peek and Pop

By Layout, Mail Designer Pro

The mobile opening rate for emails has increased by 30% within the past 5 years. Far more than half of all newsletters are being read while on the go. It’s even more likely that your newsletter will first be previewed in quick scan mode on a mobile device than comfortably clicked and opened by the recipient from his/her personal Mac while sipping a peppermint tea.

For companies who rely on newsletters, this realistic scenario of recipients checking their emails on an iPhone can be compared to an action game where every newsletter has to battle to survive in the inbox. And as we know, in the end, only the strongest survive.

Mobile features, such as the new 3D Touch experience on the iPhone 6s, increasing resolutions, and expanding screen sizes, put an even greater importance on the details and content of your newsletters. With a short Peek and Pop, iPhone 6s users can quickly preview your Mails, without completely opening them. Yet another reason to be sure your newsletter Designs make a solid and convincing first impression.

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Mobile Email Designs mit Peek und Pop! Tipps für perfektes Mobile Design für das aktuelle iPhone 6s mit 3D Touch

By Allgemein

Mobile email design mit Mail Designer Pro:


In den vergangen 5 Jahren ist die Mobil-Öffnungsrate von Mails um über 30% gestiegen. Weit mehr als die Hälfte der Newsletter wird von unterwegs geöffnet. Inzwischen ist es viel wahrscheinlicher, dass deine versendeten Mails im „Quick-Scan-Modus“ an einem Mobilgerät geöffnet werden, als an einem Mac zuhause mit einer genussvollen Tasse Tee. Das tatsächliche Szenario beim Checken am iPhone gleicht eher einem Point-Click-Adventure auf Speed bei dem jeder Newsletter in der Inbox ums Überleben kämpft.

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